Twitter and Periscope Talk Rollout, Meerkat but No Mention of What’s in the Office Fridge
With Periscope exploding into the mobile sphere, the public is as interested in the development of the app and its $100 million deal with Twitter as it is in the contents of strangers’ refrigerators (nope, I don’t get it either).
Jessica Verrilli, Twitter’s director of corporate development and strategy, Periscope co-founder Kayvon Beykpour and Periscope’s first engineer, Aaron Wasserman, sat down with Product Hunt (for a livestream on Periscope, natch) for an Ask Me Anything.
The idea for Periscope came from an earlier app the developers worked on, called Bounty. It crowdsourced finding information on something a user took a photo of, but the immediacy of video changed the direction of the app. Other interesting factoids include that Periscope didn’t think of itself as a first-mover, that a trending feed is on its way and that they didn’t expect people to find the download link on the iOS App Store as quickly as they did (thank the press for that), but they liked the fact that it was a slow rollout rather than a huge roll out. In addition, an Android version of the app is coming “soon”.
In addition, Meerkat’s earlier launch did not affect Periscope’s introduction and, “We took a lot of comfort in it. We benefited from Meerkat introducing the concept to the world, which is awesome and we’re kind of trailblazing the space together”.
Via The Next Web, Product Hunt; Periscope AMA broadcast (viewable only through the app). Photo by Meggito/flickr.