
#011 – Buffer – July 15, 2019

If you run a business, you probably promote it on social media. But who has the time to can’t spend all day tweeting or posting photos to Instagram. Fortunately, there’s Buffer.

Buffer is an app for scheduling posts to social media. At its simplest, Buffer lets you build up a series of posts that are then published over time.

Buffer supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
The free plan lets you manage three services, and stack up ten posts. You can have a different publishing schedule for each account. Tweet hourly, but Instagram twice a day. Set things up over breakfast, and let it handle the rest.

Buffer works via a web browser, or via a mobile app. Paid plans add more features, like more accounts, more posts, and teams. With teams, you can share access to accounts, or have one person draft posts and another person approve them.

Paid plans also add statistics and an inbox for managing feedback.

Check it out at Buffer.com.

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